Four Hawaiian Holiday Napkin Folds
This year give your holiday dinner table a bright Hawaiian pop of color with colorful reusable napkins folded in fun ways! We're going to show you how to do these four napkin folds so you can try it yourself at home!
1. The Ti Leaf
This is a simple fold that adds a pop of color to the setting and creates a space for the silverware on the plate. A perfect choice for smaller spaces and if you need something quick and easy.
- Lay the napkin patterned side down in a diamond shape in front of you.
- Fold the sides into the center as shown on the illustration.
- Flip over! You're done!
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2. The Torch Ginger
This fold can be done with a single napkin but it's most colorful and fun when doubled up as we did here. For a double napkin, just lay the second napkin on top of the first and follow all the steps. This fold can be laid flat on the plate or it can stand up for even more fun!
- Lay the napkin patterned side down in a diamond shape in front of you. If using two, lay the second one on top of the first so that both patterned sides are facing out.
- Fold the bottom quarter up as shown in the illustration.
- Fold in the two sides.
- Tuck one side into the fold of the other in the back to make it neat and easier to stand up.
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3. The Orchid
This is the most complicated fold we're featuring, but the end result is so pretty! If you've got a little extra time this fold will really wow your family.
- Lay the napkin down in a square shape in front of you.
- Fold all four corners into the center as shown in the illustration.
- Flip it over.
- Fold all four corners into the center again as shown in the illustration.
- Now turn the folded napkin over while holding it in your hand with the triangle folds facing up, the square folds in the back.
- Gently pull one of the four square fold corners from the back over to the front of the napkin. You should create a rounded petal shape as shown in the photo above.
- Repeat with all four corners.
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4. The Fan Palm
This fun little fold is easy enough to do, even the kids can do this one! This fold requires a napkin ring or anchor of some sort. We used a little wooden ring we had lying around but you can use a bit of ribbon, a mini clothespin, or anything your imagination comes up with!
- Fold about 1/8 of the napkin up, then back until the whole thing is a thin, long folded piece.
- Fold the entire thing in half lengthwise.
- Anchor the center and fan out!
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